Finally, A New President

We, Filipinos can once again have our heads high with the ascent to the presidency of Noynoy Aquino.
surely, he was not the most qualified among the candidates but being the accidental candidate that he was, Noynoy rallied a frustrated country crying for someone who can speak if their behalf.
The credentials were of no import to a people who were marginalized by leaders with purportedly impressive credentials.
Nonynoy, on the other hand, offers a firm resolve to address the woes that have afflicted our nation. Alright, he has ridden the crest of his illustrious surname. Alright, he has just perpetuated a dynasty. But these are not the issues that matter to a people longing for a president they can trust and they can trust to listen to them.
And so be it told, finally, we have a new President.
P-Noy. President Noynoy.