Thursday, March 31, 2005
All black fashion.
An officemate matter-of-factly told me not to wear all-black. I asked him why but he just would not explain. I am not sure if it was religion or some cultural woodoo-voodoo that prompted my colleague to tell me that but I do still enjoy an all-black fashion despite forecasts against it. And so, I was off to find encouragement and support from the fashionistas.
For all intents and purposes, I wear an all-black getup because I find it very appealing, sophisticated and masculine. It exudes elegance, authority and power. Of course, black makes me look taller and slimmer. I have also discovered that I can carry an all-black attire.
Against many of my colleagues, I would humbly say that I have a better fashion sense. They can have their physique but I stand out more than they are because I can dress confidently - in colors and in all-black.
All I manage to quip when my colleague wouldn't explain why I should not wear all-black is that "black is a beauty" when one knows how to carry it.
The Coolest Blog in the World!
I am thinking about what to write and I figured out why not do a quick google. So, I looked for "the coolest blog in the world" and guess what? Google returned 80 websites in 0.28 seconds.
The first five are the following:
1. andkon's daily (right)ings claims his is officially the coolest blog in the world because he use pure CSS for
layout, blah blah blah, etc. Cool!
2. byron_is_dumb is home to the coolest guy with the coolest blog in the world. I find a lot of inspirational Bible quotes on his page. That's cool ;)
3. Istanblog is an interesting result because it is not "the coolest blog in the world" but merely links to "the coolest blog in the world" maintained by Tony Pierce who has been threatening to bring the coolest blog in the world to an end unless he gets 100 links. Cool huh!
4. - Comments is not "the coolest blog in the world" but is a commentary on "the coolest blog in the world" where the commentator wrote "drives me crazy when you find the coolest blog in the world, and then the bloger takes her sweet time to post something new" Cool cool!
5. Orbit Now! Daily Dish: The Coolest Blog in the World gives directions about the same thing I just did but gets a different result. After the blogger went to Google and typed in "the coolest blog in the world," he got: which was, according to him, a potential source of interesting links if not "the coolest blog in the world." Absolutely cool!
I wonder how many are out there who have done what I have and some of the guys I discovered in the process.
Are there others who are also on the same wavelength? Coolest cool.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Salah Shoaib Choudhury
While on the subject of Bangladeshi, I came across this sad news about a Bangladeshi journalist. Read on and learn for yourself if we ought to spend some of our internet time, at least, to help.
Read the poem Shoaib wrote in prison and the speech he was to have delivered in Israel--the same speech police leaks cited as "evidence" of sedition. Authorities have not released it, but supporters of Choudury have a copy. Decide if any society calling itself democratic would deny an individual's freedom and possibly his life based on it. You can also read Dr. Richard Benkin's "Dear Bangladesh" about a role for Bangladesh in bringing Mid-East peace. Published in Bangladesh, reprinted worldwide, it sparked debate in media and government.
Check also the effusion2005 blog site to find more information on how you can help save the life of Salah Shoaib Choudhury.
Bravo, Bangladesh! Boo, Pilipinas!
Bangladesh has tightened its immigration rules and enforced a ban on its nationals working as housemaids in Gulf countries following an increase in the number of complaints from Bangladeshi maids abused by sponsors and recruitment agents in the Gulf.
In Bahrain, the Labor Ministry and other appropriate agencies took the move positively since it will be mutually beneficial. Immigration authorities in Bahrain, in fact, have stopped processing visas for Bangladeshi housemaids.
I doubt if the Philippine government will ever take the same position. They would rather listen to the sound of the cash registers of foreign exchange delears than defend the rights of our abused Filipinas across the Middle East.
Economics, foreign relations, oil, goodwill. All these are nothing to the families of abused and aggrieved Filipino workers.
And Bangladesh is poorer than us. But they can lift their chins up higher than ours on this department.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The sun sets on the Pearl Roundabout. For many years the Pearl Roundabout has become a symbol for Bahrain. However, even the majestic Pearl Roundabout has to give way to development and progress. It will soon be razed to the ground to give way to a new traffic light system in Bahrain which is hoped will address the frowing monstrosity of traffic cogestion. I wish I can say, "No, not the Pearl Roundabout!"

Elvis Costello's "She"
May be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
May be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day
May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell
Who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
May be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I'll remember till the day I die
May be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough in ready years
I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is
She, oh she
Yes, my love. You are the one. You are my only one. I love you!
What Is A Friend?
A new found friend in Bahrain, Hilton's Marita sent me this lovely poem:
A friend is somebody
Who knows you and likes you
Exactly the way that you are...
Someone who's special
And so close in thought
That no distance can ever seem far.
A friend understands you without any words,
Stands by you when nothing goes right...
And willingly talks over problems with you
Till they somehow just vanish from sight.
And whether you're neighbors or live miles apart,
A word from a friend gives a lift
To your heart and spirit that shows you once more
Why friendship is life's dearest gift!
Formula 1
The entire kingdom is agog with the forthcoming Bahrain Grand Prix. Last year's race was adjudged the best promoted race. Expectations are high in the kingdom and everywhere you look, you will see nothing but images of this year's race. I am one of the many Filipinos who are not completely oriented with Formula 1 and the Grand Prix, yet when I arrived in Bahrain, I told myself that I will experience everything the kingdom will offer. I realized the Grand Prix is one of them since there is so much about the Grand Prix than mere machines. Now, I do not even have to buy tickets as a very good friend promised she will give me one! Great Marita, where's my ticket? ;)
Corollary to the Bahrain Grand Prix is a phletora of events, mostly organized by hotels. I am inclined to attend this year's edition of the "most chic" social event at the official host venue - BJ's at Al Bustan Hotel, Adliya. Last year's party was the first time that Fashion TV held an event in the Gulf and it was a huge success when partygoers from all over the world turned up to relax after the long weekend of Formula 1 madness. This year's party features DJ and top model Sassy.
Another sidelight to this year's Bahrain race is the exhibition of reknowed Greek sports artist Mina Papatheodorou Valyraki, who was named Sports Artist of the Year in 2002.
So, am I excited about the GRand Prix? Sure I am especially the free ride among friends!
Monday, March 28, 2005

"Mulawin" was a ground-breaking television series in the Philippines. There were clear technical and SFX glitches but overall it ushered a new era in Philippine TV drama. The story was solid and crisp despite borrowing many elements from "Lord of the Ring", "Harry Potter", "Matrix" and some other great sci-fi flix. Still, "Mulawin" successfully encompassed the heavens for all of us.

Bahraini bloggers; Bloggers in Bahrain
I was trying to whet my curiousity so I tried checking on how many bloggers are from/in Bahrain. Here's what I found out: there fifty of them. ;) Some are really active, others have been sucked by the abyss of immortality. ;) Some are in Arabic so I can not figure out anything except that they are from/in Bahrain. Here are five of the fifty that are pretty active:

Mulawin Network
Mulawin Network
I must admit that I was among those who were drawn to the "out-of-the-box" concept of Mulawin. Even when I have moved to Bahrain, I tried to follow the series via different blogs and unofficial episode guides. The GMA 7 website was not really of great help although I am impressed with their new website and the accompanying interactive features.
Anyway, Mulawin Network has been, in my measurement, the best source for anything about Mulawin. I loved the English translations that made Mulawin world-class. So, to the generous blogger who maintained Mulawin Network, thank you and really, really, really great site.
"Hanggang sa muli nating paglipad..."
Persona Non Grata.
I never imagined how fulfilling blogging would be. In fact, I am thinking of staring another exclusively as a venue for me to express my pent up emotions (read: extreme annoyance at some characters). I have just discovered that there are actually really interesting bloggers who bash. I am not sure, though, if I can match their ferocity. ;)
Hmmm, I guess there really is no harm in trying. Besides, these characters have help me become a better person in many ways than I would probably admit. Heck, I have never been so patient and friendly in my life until my encounter with these characters.
So, I guess I have made up my mind. I would have a second blog - where I will hold no bar in bashing ingrates. ;) I hope they can all read the blog. Time to settle old scores. Yeah!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Look but not up the sky! Is it a plane? Is it Superman? No, it's my beard!
I have the most pleasant encounter today. Since my work cabin is undergoing furious renovation, and I am completely at a lost as how to remain productive, I went around the hospital and try to meet other personnel. I am glad that everyone seemed to be very friendly today. Smiles were given out generously. There are the occassional nods, thumbs up signs, hand shakes and the more traditional "How are you? Fine? Great!" However, there was this fellow who went out of his friendly nature and tried to pull me aside. I noticed his concern. He is one of the few "closer than mere acquaintances" of mine. He told me that I need to shave my beard because it was untidy and hospital officials might notice me and not be happy about my beard. I know he meant well so I never took it against the fellow but I decided to ask others about the issue.
You see, I respect the belief that beards can be untidy if one would just allow his beard to grow wild. In my case, I maintained my beard manicured I can actually join the World Beard and Moustache Championship. It was just my beard today is really long but not long enough to qualify me for a hermit. Besides, it is not an implied company rule that men must clean shaven. Most of all, we are in the Middle East where being bearded is actually preferred. Personally, I would consider it an insult to hairy guys to be asked to shave clean their beards.
I am in a dillema. It is not our company policy to clean shave but I agree I might look more presentable if I clean shave. However, I am not shaving my beard simply to appease someone. It is not fault if my genetics would have me grow these virile beard. How I wished my moustache would have been thicker.
Come What May
Let me tell the worls that this is one journey that is more than merely meandering. This is my destiny. She is my destiny. Ms. Jennifer Capati is the woman God has meant for me all along. We met when we barely know the meaning of love. We were lost in our youth. Finally, in the place where you least expect to meet your lifetime partner, we found each other. Come what may, I will love until my dying day...
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I Love You, until the end of time.
Come what may, come what may
I will Love You until my dying day.
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you.
And there's no mountain too high;
No river too wide
Sing out this song,
I'll be there by your side.
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I Love You, I Love You,
Until the end of time.
Come what may, come what may, I will Love You
The greastest thing you'll ever learn...
I will Love You, Come what may,
Yes, I will Love You; Come what may,
I will Love You, Til my dying day.
Out of work at work!
Strange and eerie. Some people would normally jump for joy when they report for work and find that they can't because of some "operational glitch." I do not. I hate it in fact because I realize how wasted my time is as I can not leave the workplace for some other ditty.
In 1998, at around 9pm while rushing work on a CETRA trade show site with a great lady, Marie Orara, we were alerted by the smell of burning cables. The Citibank Center in Makati is burning! Obviously, we survived that one. ;) However, for the next three days, we have to move to a nearby business center to ensure our operations will be unhampered. The evening of the fire, I was thinking not about our safety but how shall we finish the work!
Today, I am working like mad at my work station when our carpentry people arrived carrying with them shelves that will be mounted on the four walls of our cabin! I was hoping for a compromise like they work on one side of the room while I work at my side but they eventually took over the room and I was unceremoniously booted out. For almost four hours now, I am walking aimlessly around the hospital complex hoping they'll finish their work so that I can continue mine. :( Meandering... against the wishes of my heart. ;)
The art of letting go................
My namesake, Nomel, who is a fellow Friendster posted the following at our bulletin board. I am very happy now with Jenn but I still need to reassure my well-meaning friends that I have already turned a new leaf in my leaf - another round of shawarma, in fact.
Yes, I am with Jenn now and have moved on from my sad past:
Put away the pictures
Put away the memories
Ive poured over and over
Through my tears
Ive held them till Im blind
They kept my hope alive
As if somehow that might keep you here
Once you believed in a love forever more
How do you leave it in a drawer
Now here it comes
The hardest part of all
Unchain my heart thats holding on
How do I start to live my life alone
Guess Im just learning
Learning the art of letting go
Try to say its over
Say the word goodbye
But each time it catches in my throat
Your still here in me
And I cant set you free
So I hold on to what I wanted most
Maybe someday well be friends forever more
Wish I could open up that door
Now here it comes
The hardest part of all
Unchain my heart that holding on
How do I start to live my life alone
Guess Im just learning
Learning the art of letting go
Watching us fade
What can I do
But try to make it through the pain
Now one more day without you
Where do I start to live my life alone
I guess Im learning
Only learning
Learning the art of letting go .

The Bahrain-Saudi Arabia Causeway is more than a series of bridges and dams that connected mainland Arabia to the island kingdom of Bahrain. It is a symbol of unity, understanding and cooperation. It also facilitated travel. In fact, the human and car population of Bahrain increases tenfold on weekends because of the huge influx of tourists from mainland Arabia. By the way, GCC nationals are free to travel to any GCC countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen).

Green Bahrain. Greener Bahrain.
A national environment strategy will be introduced in Bahrain for the first time in an attempt to clean up the country as part of its commitment at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. It will mean stricter laws against pollution and tougher penalties for those who break them. The aim is to protect Bahrain's natural environment and improve conditions for the country's residents. Everybody - Bahrainis and expatriates - must rave about this initiative. Bahrain is such a paradise and it will be very unfortunate if the future generation will not be able to enjoy its beauty that we have enjoyed. Bravo!