4th Midyear Conference Photos
Better be late than never. Jazz Encarnacion, past Area 16 Governor sent me these photos from the 4th Midyear Conference of District 75 held at the picturesque MMLDC in Antipolo, Rizal. Thanks Jazz!

by jiencarnacion
This is the map of the Aviary at MMLDC. The place is not only conducive for conferences such as the Midyear Conference but for many other events as well. In fact, I rarely used the shuttle service within MMLDC. Walking the rolling hills from our accommodation to the conference venue is welcome treat!

by jiencarnacion
I mostly shared a table with Jazz Encarnacion, past Area 16 Governor and DTM JJ Letargo (seated, right). The guy in black beside Jazz is Jap Constantino from Silver and White TMC. Standing at far left is past D75 Governor and author of D75 becoming #1, DTM Mike Chua. Beside me is Immediate Past Division B Governor Joseph Yee. To my right is Immediate Past D75 Governor DTM Eliza Tiu and current Area 15 Governor and my club mate from Managers for Christ TMC, Arlene Cadiz. The rest are TMs from Butter 'N Toast TMC from Area 16.

by jiencarnacion
This is another star-studded photo op. Seated from left are Past Division B Governor (and one of the best in my book; and a DivGov of the Year awardee) Arnnie Alvar, Past D75 PRO Ondette Kempis, Immediate Past DivB Governor Joseph Yee, Past Division H Governor (and DivGov of the Year awardee) Alma Silla, Past Area Governor ______, myself, Jap and Jazz. Standing are Past Division H Governor and 2006 Midyear Conference Chair Pam Castro and Immediate Past Division H Governor Noy Josef.

by jiencarnacion
Well, this picture was taken before the other stars joined our table. you can also describe our table as heavyweight. ;)

by jiencarnacion
...and this is the hallway to the rooms on the second floor. I was billeted at the first room to the left. The rooms are first class! Better than the room we had at Hilton Washington!
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